“Lovelcon has provided their Non Profit service approximately 25 years and I see that they provide their service with more trust and honesty to change for a better future and make people happy.”
“Compared to the other organizations in the world I have seen that the service Lovecon provides is safe and their service much better than the other care organizations in the world.”
“They are giving their service 24/7 to help the people who are needy. Once I informed them that A man was in trouble. They helped that man within 1 hr and solved that problem and I was impressed.”
“Lovelcon has provided their Non Profit service approximately 25 years and I see that they provide their service with more trust and honesty to change for a better future and make people happy.”
“Compared to the other organizations in the world I have seen that the service Lovecon provides is safe and their service much better than the other care organizations in the world.”
“They are giving their service 24/7 to help the people who are needy. Once I informed them that A man was in trouble. They helped that man within 1 hr and solved that problem and I was impressed.”
Havnsø Lokalråd arbejder for at fremme Havnsøs interesser på vegne af alle beboere og øvrige brugere. Anbefalinger og beslutninger tages ud fra den grundholdning, at områdets almene interesse vejer højest, og at alle skal have mulighed for at blive hørt.
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